As mentioned earlier, etcd implements each module through layers. This time we will enter the network part. Today, let’s talk about the communication way of etcd inside the server and client role.


What problem does it solve

Communication Efficiency

Talking about the communication protocol, of course, the communication method between nodes must be considered. The early etcd communication version is v2, which exposes external APIs through HTTP+JSON.
Because services often need to perceive changes in node configuration or monitor pushes, the client and the The server needs frequent communication. The early v2 used HTTP1.1 long connection to maintain, and the communication efficiency is still not high.

Since this article focuses on network communication, the upgrade features from v2 to v3 only focus on network communication-related functions, and other storage feature optimizations will be analyzed in the subsequent “underlying storage”, such as v3’s MVCC, snapshots, transactions, etc.


Let’s briefly talk about the evolution from HTTP/1.x to HTTP/2:

Number of Connections

Before HTTP/2, HTTP/1 was not efficient, because the same request would block the sending of subsequent network packets while waiting for a response. Most of today’s network problems have changed from bandwidth to latency. Sometimes the benefits of increasing bandwidth (the size of the content sent) are not as good as reducing latency (time-consuming network transfers).

In addition, we cannot violently open multiple connections. After all, creating a connection based on the three-way handshake consumes resources. In addition, the blocking problem of a single connection has not been solved. Trying to open multiple connections to optimize is a temporary solution.

Text protocol

HTTP/1 uses a text protocol, its encoding format is friendly to humans, but the transmission is not efficient, and lack of security without HTTPS.

The etcd v3 version introduces the communication method of grpc+protobuf (based on HTTP/2.0), and its advantages are:

  • Using binary compression for transmission, serialization/deserialization is more efficient
  • Based on the HTTP2.0 server-side active push feature, the event multiplexing has been optimized
  • The Watch function uses grpc’s stream flow for perception. The same client and server use a single connection, instead of v2’s HTTP long polling detection, directly reducing the number of connections and memory overhead


In order to be upwardly compatible with the v2 API version, etcd v3 provides a grpc gateway to support the original HTTP JSON interface support.

kv-process flow

How it is solved

In the first part of this series, we talked about etcd splitting the functions of each module through layers and implementing them separately to improve code readability and reduce maintenance costs.
In the communication module, etcd also adopts a layered strategy, in which the network modules of external cross-machine nodes are concentrated in the package of api.rafthttp, and the node status update and underlying storage are distributed in etcd .raft package.

v2 Protocol Conversion

This is a transition logic for etcd v2 requests to transition to the underlying etcdserver:

// parseKeyRequest converts the received http.Request about keysPrefix to
// convert as etcdserverpb request
func parseKeyRequest(r *http.Request, clock clockwork.Clock) (etcdserverpb.Request, bool, error) {
	var noValueOnSuccess bool
	emptyReq := etcdserverpb.Request{}

	err := r.ParseForm()
	if err != nil {
		return emptyReq, false, v2error.NewRequestError(

	// ...
	var pIdx, wIdx uint64
	if pIdx, err = getUint64(r.Form, "prevIndex"); err != nil {
		return emptyReq, false, v2error.NewRequestError(
			`invalid value for "prevIndex"`,
	// ...
	// Convert to etcdserverpb.Request proto request structure
    rr := etcdserverpb.Request{
		Method:    r.Method,
		Path:      p,
		Val:       r.FormValue("value"),
		Dir:       dir,
		PrevValue: pV,
		PrevIndex: pIdx,
		PrevExist: pe,
		Wait:      wait,
		Since:     wIdx,
		Recursive: rec,
		Sorted:    sort,
		Quorum:    quorum,
		Stream:    stream,
	// ...
	return rr, noValueOnSuccess, nil

It is worth mentioning that etcd has officially used the v3 mode of communication by default after the v3.4 version, so we will focus on analyzing the v3 version of the code and describe it separately from the client and the server.

Client Side

The v3 client encapsulates a grpc connection for internal communication of the rpc service

// Client provides and manages an etcd v3 client session.
type Client struct {
	// rpc Connection
	conn *grpc.ClientConn
	cfg           Config
	lg *zap.Logger

proto design

In the pkg of etcdserver, we can see some communication .proto files

../../etcd/etcdserver/etcdserverpb ((v3.4.0))
$ ls -l *.proto
-rw-r--r-- 1 Pixel_Pig 197121  1515 Oct  8 10:57 etcdserver.proto
-rw-r--r-- 1 Pixel_Pig 197121  2364 Oct  8 10:57 raft_internal.proto
-rw-r--r-- 1 Pixel_Pig 197121 35627 Oct  8 10:57 rpc.proto

which defines the services that etcd mainly provides external function modules etcd内部rpc服务

Request struct

This is the request body of etcd node rpc communication. The above v2 client version converts HttpRequest into etcdserverpb.Request is exactly from the etcdserver.proto file etcd-proto-request

KV Client

The client request will be called through the implementation of the KV interface kVClient, and the remote end is KVServer

func (c *kVClient) Range(ctx context.Context, in *RangeRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*RangeResponse, error) {
	out := new(RangeResponse)
	err := grpc.Invoke(ctx, "/etcdserverpb.KV/Range", in, out,, opts...)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return out, nil

func (c *kVClient) Put(ctx context.Context, in *PutRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*PutResponse, error) {
	out := new(PutResponse)
	err := grpc.Invoke(ctx, "/etcdserverpb.KV/Put", in, out,, opts...)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return out, nil

func (c *kVClient) DeleteRange(ctx context.Context, in *DeleteRangeRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*DeleteRangeResponse, error) {
	out := new(DeleteRangeResponse)
	err := grpc.Invoke(ctx, "/etcdserverpb.KV/DeleteRange", in, out,, opts...)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return out, nil

Server Side

The components on the server side are more complex. Before sorting out the internal control communication, it is necessary to understand the role of each component.
The problem solved by the server is:

  • Receive requests from clients and distribute to nodes
  • Sensing cluster member changes and notifying members
  • Synchronize or initiate recovery snapshots

Server Interceptor

We mentioned a KVServer in the previous client component. In fact, etcd also wraps a layer of interceptor for it, which is quotaKVServer

type quotaKVServer struct {
	// Accessibility
	qa quotaAlarmer
type quotaAlarmer struct {
	q  etcdserver.Quota
	a  Alarmer
	id types.ID
func NewQuotaKVServer(s *etcdserver.EtcdServer) pb.KVServer {
	return &quotaKVServer{
		quotaAlarmer{etcdserver.NewBackendQuota(s, "kv"), s, s.ID()},

The role of this interceptor is to perform space detection on client requests, calculate the key-vaule resource consumption space for each request, and the server will count the remaining space as an alarm. If it exceeds, an error will be thrown:

ErrGRPCNoSpace       = status.New(codes.ResourceExhausted, "etcdserver: mvcc: database space exceeded").Err()

If this happens to the cluster, the official documentation also gives suggestions:
fix mvcc: database space exceeded

  • Historical version compression
  • File defragmentation

Interface Relationship

In the language rules of go, use composition instead of inheritance, the interface of go is implicitly implemented, and the internal communication of raft nodes is mainly through the definition of channel members for messages Propagation, such as the conversion of external messages to the underlying log. The message body involving cross-machine nodes is sent by the http client.

The data flow diagram is as follows: etcd-server-flow

etcdserver In addition to exposing the API to the client, the logic for monitoring the communication of internal members is also registered at startup time. Next, let’s look at the internal logic of the server.

Communication Component: peer

The etcd cluster uses peer as a single-point structure for cross-network communication. Several core member functions are as follows, which internally encapsulate network requests between nodes, such as submitting snapshots to other nodes:

type Peer interface {
    send(m raftpb.Message)
    sendSnap(m snap.Message)
    update(urls types.URLs)

Transporter Interface

The etcd cluster needs to maintain a peer node list. The method of etcd is to choose to extract one layer up, and use Transport to maintain the peer list, through Transport implements the Transporter interface to manage the peer members, and the Transporter interface mainly updates and maintains the peer members.

type Transporter interface {
    // ...
	AddRemote(id types.ID, urls []string)
	AddPeer(id types.ID, urls []string)
	RemovePeer(id types.ID)
	UpdatePeer(id types.ID, urls []string)
	// ...

Transporter implement by Transport

type Transport struct {
	ID          types.ID   // local member ID
	URLs        types.URLs // local peer URLs
	ClusterID   types.ID   // raft cluster ID for request validation
	Raft        Raft       // raft state machine, to which the Transport forwards received messages and reports status
	Snapshotter *snap.Snapshotter
	// ...
	streamRt   http.RoundTripper // transmit small, frequent messages
	pipelineRt http.RoundTripper // transmits large data with low frequency

	mu      sync.RWMutex         // protect the remote and peer map
	remotes map[types.ID]*remote // remotes map that helps newly joined member to catch up
	peers   map[types.ID]Peer    // peers map

	// Heartbeat detection
	pipelineProber probing.Prober
	streamProber   probing.Prober

The overall main structural relationship is as follows:
etcd-interface-relation It can be seen that each peer structure has a raftNode node embedded in it, and the underlying log structure and file directory are connected through raftNode, such as MemoryStorage, wal, etc. The problem solved by the storage layer is to query and update the multi-version data of the log tree by returning the corresponding log subscript and combining with raft.
About the underlying storage will be expanded in the next part of this series :)

Here we mainly analyze transport, transport is registered in the Handler() function,

func (t *Transport) Handler() http.Handler {
	pipelineHandler := newPipelineHandler(t, t.Raft, t.ClusterID)
	streamHandler := newStreamHandler(t, t, t.Raft, t.ID, t.ClusterID)
	snapHandler := newSnapshotHandler(t, t.Raft, t.Snapshotter, t.ClusterID)
	mux := http.NewServeMux()
	mux.Handle(RaftPrefix, pipelineHandler)
	mux.Handle(RaftStreamPrefix+"/", streamHandler)
	mux.Handle(RaftSnapshotPrefix, snapHandler)
	mux.Handle(ProbingPrefix, probing.NewHandler())
	return mux

Among them, several core functions are monitored

Handler Implement Method
pipelineHandler Forward messages to internal raft nodes for processing
snapshotHandler Transfer storage snapshots (short live link, big data), write to local db
streamHandler Maintain long connection update heartbeat (tiny data)

Part of the pipelineHandler processing logic is as follows:

func (h *pipelineHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	// update to upsteam node
	addRemoteFromRequest(, r)
	limitedr := pioutil.NewLimitedBufferReader(r.Body, connReadLimitByte)
	b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(limitedr)
	if err != nil {

    // parse the message
	var m raftpb.Message
	if err := m.Unmarshal(b); err != nil {
		// ...

    // forward to node inside for handling: node.step()
	if err := h.r.Process(context.TODO(), m); err != nil {
		switch v := err.(type) {
		case writerToResponse:
			// ...
    // ...

Heartbeat Feedback

// server side
func (h *httpHealth) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    // return health
	health := Health{OK: true, Now: time.Now()}
	e := json.NewEncoder(w)

Remember the Transport interface mentioned above, it is used to maintain raft member changes, and the AddPeer() and UpdatePeer() sub-functions will create a new protocol.

The process performs periodic heartbeat detection on the cluster list: prober-check

func (p *prober) AddHTTP(id string, probingInterval time.Duration, endpoints []string) error {
	// ...
	go func() {
		pinned := 0
		for {
			select {
			case <-ticker.C:
				start := time.Now()
				req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", endpoints[pinned], nil)
				// ...
				resp, err :=
				// ...
				if err != nil {
					pinned = (pinned + 1) % len(endpoints)

				var hh Health
				d := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body)
				err = d.Decode(&hh)
				if err != nil || !hh.OK {
					pinned = (pinned + 1) % len(endpoints)

				s.record(time.Since(start), hh.Now)
			case <-s.stopC:

	return nil


The above is etcd’s implementation of the functions of each module. etcd implements the implementation module layer by layer from the network layer - raft state - log storage layer through layered architecture design.
If you are interested, you can choose to cut in from a certain level of code follow the drawing above. The next article will talk about the underlying storage of etcd:)